
From large offshore boats to family unit and watersports boats to the fastest bass and bay boats, Yamaha has a propeller solution that'southward but right for your application.


Saltwater Series II™ Saltwater Serial 2™

Saltwater Series XL® Saltwater Series XL®

Saltwater Series II™ HP Saltwater Series 2™ HP

XTO OS® Propellers XTO OS® Propellers

Saltwater Series XL4™ Saltwater Serial XL4™

Saltwater Series XL4™ - HP Saltwater Series XL4™ - HP

Saltwater Series HS4™ Saltwater Series HS4™



NEW! This stainless-steel, iii-bract propeller is designed exclusively for specific Yamaha XTO Offshore® applications where ventilation is a business concern. With diameters up to 16 seven/eight", pitches from 17 to 25, and a blade surface with an extra trailing edge cup, it provides better grip and minimize ventilation.





Role No.

16 vii/8 17 RH SDS* 6KN-45970-00
16 7/8 17 LH SDS* 6KP-45970-00
15 5/eight 20 RH SDS* 6KN-45976-00
15 5/8 20 LH SDS* 6KP-45976-00
xvi 3/eight 21 RH SDS* 6KN-45978-00
16 3/8 21 LH SDS* 6KP-45978-00
sixteen 1/8 24 RH SDS* 6KN-45972-00
16 1/8 24 LH SDS* 6KN-45972-00
xvi 31/8 25 RH SDS* 6KN-45974-00
16 31/8 25 LH SDS* 6KN-45974-00

Saltwater Series II™

Saltwater Series II™

This stainless-steel, 3-bract propeller is designed for today's larger offshore boats. It provides longer cruising range, superior midrange fuel efficiency and ameliorate handling in rough seas. Features a new SDS design that requires no special hardware to function.





Role No.

xv 3/4 13 RH SDS* 6CE-45930-xx-00
15 three/4 13 LH SDS* 6CF-45930-20-00
15 iii/4 fifteen RH SDS* 6CE-45976-20-00
xv 3/4 fifteen LH SDS* 6CF-45976-20-00
15 i/2 xvi RH SDS* 6CE-45938-twenty-00
xv one/two 17 RH SDS* 6CE-45978-20-00
15 one/ii 17 LH SDS* 6CF-45978-20-00
15 1/4 18 RH SDS* 6CE-45934-twenty-00
fifteen 1/4 xviii LH SDS* 6CF-45934-20-00
15 1/4 xix RH SDS* 6CE-45970-20-00
fifteen ane/4 19 LH SDS* 6CF-45970-20-00
xv 20 RH SDS* 6CE-45932-20-00
15 20 LH SDS* 6CF-45932-xx-00
15 21 RH SDS* 6CE-45972-20-00
15 21 LH SDS* 6CF-45972-20-00
xiv iii/4 22 RH SDS* 6CE-45936-twenty-00
14 3/4 22 LH SDS* 6CF-45936-xx-00
14 three/iv 23 RH SDS* 6CE-45974-20-00
fourteen 3/4 23 LH SDS* 6CF-45974-20-00

Saltwater Series XL®

Saltwater Series Xl®

This stainless-steel, three-blade propeller is designed for the V8 F350 iv stroke. Information technology provides plenty of ability-to-airplane, acceleration and top-cease. Updated hub system accommodates older Yamaha F350s.





Office No.

16 one/4 fifteen RH SDS* 6AW-45970-twenty-00
16 1/4 15 LH SDS* 6AX-45970-twenty-00
16 ane/4 17 RH SDS* 6AW-45972-20-00
fifteen 1/2 17 LH SDS* 6AX-45972-20-00
15 1/two 19 RH SDS* 6AW-45974-twenty-00
xv 1/4 19 LH SDS* 6AX-45974-twenty-00
fifteen one/iv 21 RH SDS* 6AW-45976-twenty-00
xv ane/iv 21 LH SDS* 6AX-45976-20-00
xv 1/iv 23 RH SDS* 6AW-45978-20-00
xv i/iv 23 LH SDS* 6AX-45978-20-00

Saltwater Series II™ HP

Saltwater Series 2™ HP

This stainless-steel, three-blade propeller tin can boost height-cease speed on lightweight centre consoles, flats/bay boats and more. Designed for V6 F200 – F300.





Part No.

15 1/4 18 RH SDS* 6KA-45970-00
15 1/iv 18 LH SDS* 6KB-45970-00
fifteen ane/4 19 RH SDS* 6KA-45972-00
15 i/iv 19 LH SDS* 6KB-45972-00
15 twenty RH SDS* 6KA-45974-00
15 xx LH SDS* 6KB-45974-00
fifteen 21 RH SDS* 6KA-45976-00
15 21 LF SDS* 6KB-45976-00

XTO OS® Propellers

XTO Bone® Propellers

This stainless-steel, three-blade propeller features diameters from sixteen to 17 one/8 inches and increased blade surface. Information technology's engineered to complement the torque potential of our V8 XTO Offshore® outboard on fifty-foot-plus boats. Features our patented, Shift Dampener System (SDS) for a smoother ride.





Part No.

17 1/8 fifteen RH SDS* 6GR-45970-10-00
17 ane/8 xv LH SDS* 6GS-45970-10-00
16 7/8 17 RH SDS* 6GR-45972-10-00
xvi 7/viii 17 LH SDS* 6GS-45970-10-00
16 5/8 18 RH SDS* 6GR-45938-10-00
sixteen 5/8 xviii LH SDS* 6GS-45938-x-00
sixteen five/8 19 RH SDS* 6GR-45974-10-00
16 v/8 19 LH SDS* 6GS-45974-10-00
16 3/viii 20 RH SDS* 6GR-45936-10-00
16 3/eight 20 LH SDS* 6GS-45936-10-00
16 iii/8 21 RH SDS* 6GR-45976-10-00
16 3/eight 21 LH SDS* 6GS-45976-10-00
16 1/8 22 RH SDS* 6GR-45934-10-00
sixteen 1/8 22 LH SDS* 6GS-45934-ten-00
sixteen i/8 23 RH SDS* 6GR-45978-10-00
16 1/8 23 LH SDS* 6GS-45978-x-00
16 25 RH SDS* 6GR-45930-10-00
sixteen 25 LH SDS* 6GS-45930-10-00
16 27 RH SDS* 6GR-45D74-00-00
16 27 LH SDS* 6GS-45D74-00-00

Saltwater Series XL4™

Saltwater Series XL4™

This stainless-steel, four-blade propeller improves acceleration, planing and grip and reduces ventilation on big, V8 F350-powered boats. Features a new SDS design that requires no special hardware to function.





Part No.

16 1/viii xv RH SDS* 6AW-45B70-20-00
sixteen 1/8 xv LH SDS* 6AX-45B70-20-00
16 1/8 17 RH SDS* 6AW-45B72-twenty-00
16 one/8 17 LH SDS* 6AX-45B72-twenty-00

Saltwater Series XL4™ - HP

Saltwater Series XL4™ - HP

Saltwater Serial XL4™ - HP

This stainless-steel, 4-blade propeller features an advanced blade design for V8 outboards. It provides quick planing while improving acceleration and grip on stepped hulls or high-HP offshore center consoles. Features a new SDS design that requires no special hardware to function.





Part No.

15 three/eight 22 RH SDS* 6AW-45B76-20-00
15 3/eight 22 LH SDS* 6AX-45B76-20-00
xv iii/viii 24 RH SDS* 6AW-45B74-20-00
fifteen three/8 24 LH SDS* 6AX-45B74-xx-00

Saltwater Series HS4™

Saltwater Series HS4™

This stainless-steel, four-blade propeller provides fantabulous acceleration, quick planing and max grip, while resisting ventilation in crude or following seas on V6-powered boats. Features an updated SDS blueprint that requires no special hardware to office.





Office No.

15 21 RH SDS* 6CE-45B70-20-00
xv 21 LH SDS* 6CF-45B70-xx-00
fifteen 22 RH SDS* 6CE-45B72-20-00
fifteen 22 LH SDS* 6CF-45B70-20-00
15 23 RH SDS* 6CE-45B74-20-00
xv 23 LH SDS* 6CF-45B74-20-00

Reliance® Reliance®

Talon SS™ Talon SS™

Aluminum Aluminum

Talon GP® Talon GP®

Talon Pontoon® Talon Pontoon®

Talon SS4™ Talon SS4™

Painted Stainless Steel Painted Stainless Steel

Performance 3 Performance iii



This stainless-steel, iii-blade propeller is designed specifically for high-horsepower, in-line four-cylinder outboards (F150, F175 and F200). It's faster at all RPM ranges than our painted stainless-steel propellers and resists ventilation. Features a new SDS blueprint that needs no special hardware to part.





Function No.

xiv 1/2 13 RH SDS* 68F-45932-20-00
14 i/2 14 RH SDS* 68F-45930-20-00
14 1/2 14 LH SDS* 68G-45932-20-00
14 1/2 15 RH SDS* 68F-45970-20-00
fourteen one/ii 15 LH SDS* 68G-45970-20-00
14 1/4 17 RH SDS* 68F-45972-20-00
xiv 1/iv 17 LH SDS* 68G-45972-20-00
fourteen i/iv 18 RH SDS* 68F-45978-twenty-00
xiv 1/4 18 LH SDS* 68G-45978-20-00
13 three/4 19 RH SDS* 68F-45974-20-00
13 3/four 19 LH SDS* 68G-45974-xx-00
13 3/4 21 RH SDS* 68F-45976-20-00
thirteen iii/iv 21 LH SDS* 68G-45976-twenty-00

Talon SS™

Talon SS™

This stainless-steel, iii-blade propeller provides smoothen, tranquility shifting and trolling for F70 – F115 and T50/T60 outboards on pontoon, walleye, fiberglass and deep-V boats. Features an updated SDS design that requires no special hardware to role.





Part No.

13 1/8 14 RH SDS* 6N7-45970-00-00
13 one/8 fourteen LH SDS* 6N4-45970-00-00
13 1/8 xvi RH SDS* 6N7-45972-00-00
13 i/8 16 LH SDS* 6N4-45972-00-00
thirteen 1/8 18 RH SDS* 6N7-45974-00-00
13 1/8 xviii LH SDS* 6N4-45974-00-00
13 i/eight 19 RH SDS* 6N7-45976-00-00
13 1/8 20 RH SDS* 6N7-45978-00-00
thirteen ane/8 20 LH SDS* 6N7-45978-00-00
13 i/8 22 RH SDS* 6N7-45930-00-00
13 1/8 24 LH SDS* 6N7-45932-00-00



This aluminum, three-bract propeller is low-toll and lightweight. It provides adept overall performance for outboards 2 hp to 225 hp, and a wide multifariousness of applications.





Function No.

14 11 RH Pressed In 6E5-45954-00-00
xiii 5/8 13 RH Pressed In 6E5-45949-00-00
13 v/8 xiv RH Pressed In 6E5-45958-00-00
13 one/2 15 RH Pressed In 6E5-45947-00-00
13 1/iv 17 RH Pressed In 6E5-45945-01-00
13 19 RH Pressed In 6E5-45941-00-00
12 5/8 21 RH Pressed In 6E5-45943-00-00
13 23 RH Pressed In 6E5-45952-00-00
13 25 RH Pressed In 6E5-45956-00-00

Talon GP®

Talon GP®

This aluminum, three-bract propeller is deal for lighter-weight boats using T50 – F115 outboards. Its special blades provide "grip" on the water in turns and at high trim angles. Features an updated SDS design that requires no special hardware to function.





Function No.

13 5/viii fourteen RH SDS* 6FP-45941-00-00
13 one/2 15 RH SDS* 6FP-45943-00-00
13 1/four 16 RH SDS* 6FP-45945-00-00
thirteen one/eight 17 RH SDS* 6FP-45947-00-00
thirteen 18 RH SDS* 6FP-45949-00-00

Talon Pontoon®

Talon Pontoon®

This stainless-steel, 3-blade propeller provides excellent depression-speed functioning, and higher thrust and control than conventional propellers on pontoons (even heavily loaded) using T50-F115 outboards. Features an updated SDS design that requires no special hardware to function.





Part No.

fourteen nine RH SDS* 6H1-45970-00-00
xiv 10 RH SDS* 6H1-45972-00-00
14 11 RH SDS* 6H1-45974-00-00
14 12 RH SDS* 6H1-45976-00-00
xiv 13 RH SDS* 6H1-45978-00-00

Talon SS4™

Talon SS4™

This stainless-steel, 3-blade propeller provides stronger hole shot than comparable 3-bract propellers. Excellent on mid-range powered flats boats or on applications requiring high engine mounting heights. Fits F70 to VF115, T50/T60 K series (four.25") gearcases. Standard Shift Dampener System (SDS).





Function No.

xiii 1/4 14 RH SDS* 6N6-45B70-00-00
13 1/four 16 RH SDS* 6N6-45B72-00-00
xiii 1/4 18 RH SDS* 6N6-45B74-00-00
xiii 1/4 20 RH SDS* 6N6-45B76-00-00
13 one/four 22 RH SDS* 6N6-45B78-00-00
13 one/4 23 RH SDS* 6N6-45B80-00-00

Painted Stainless Steel

Painted Stainless Steel

This full general-purpose, painted stainless-steel, three-blade propeller is more durable than aluminum. Information technology provides excellent performance for 25 hp – 300 hp and is bachelor in left- and right-hand rotation.





Role No.

thirteen one/2 14 RH Pressed In 688-45932-60-00
13 1/2 16 RH Pressed In 688-45978-threescore-00
13 17 RH Pressed In 688-45930-02-00
13 17 LH Pressed In 6L6-45930-01-00
13 19 RH Pressed In 688-45970-03-00
thirteen nineteen LH Pressed In 6L6-45970-00-00
13 21 RH Pressed In 688-45972-02-00
13 21 LH Pressed In 6L6-45972-00-00
13 23 RH Pressed In 688-45974-02-00
thirteen 25 RH Pressed In 688-45976-01-00

Performance 3

Performance 3

This general-purpose, stainless-steel, three-blade propeller provides excellent operation. It'due south bachelor in correct- and select left-hand rotation for outboards 25 – 300 hp.





Part No.

10 1/8 x RH Pressed In MAR-GYT3B-02-x
10 1/viii xi RH Pressed In MAR-GYT3B-02-11
10 i/8 12 RH Pressed In MAR-GYT3B-02-12
ten 1/8 13 RH Pressed In MAR-GYT3B-02-13
10 1/viii 14 RH Pressed In MAR-GYT3B-02-xiv

Reliance® Reliance®

Talon Pontoon® Talon Pontoon®

Dual Thrust™ Dual Thrust™

Aluminum Aluminum

Talon SS™ Talon SS™

Saltwater Series II™ Saltwater Series Two™

Talon® Talon®

Talon GP® Talon GP®



This stainless-steel, three-blade propeller is designed specifically for high-horsepower, in-line four-cylinder outboards (F150, F175 and F200). Information technology's faster at all RPM ranges than our painted stainless-steel propellers and resists ventilation. Features a new SDS design that needs no special hardware to role.





Part No.

14 1/ii 13 RH SDS* 68F-45932-20-00
14 one/two 14 RH SDS* 68F-45930-20-00
14 1/2 14 LH SDS* 68G-45932-20-00
14 one/2 15 RH SDS* 68F-45970-xx-00
14 1/2 15 LH SDS* 68G-45970-20-00
14 1/4 17 RH SDS* 68F-45972-xx-00
fourteen 1/4 17 LH SDS* 68G-45972-20-00
14 1/iv 18 RH SDS* 68F-45978-twenty-00
fourteen ane/4 eighteen LH SDS* 68G-45978-20-00
xiii 3/4 19 RH SDS* 68F-45974-xx-00
thirteen iii/4 19 LH SDS* 68G-45974-xx-00
13 3/4 21 RH SDS* 68F-45976-xx-00
xiii three/four 21 LH SDS* 68G-45976-20-00

Talon Pontoon®

Talon Pontoon®

This stainless-steel, three-blade propeller provides splendid low-speed performance, and higher thrust and control than conventional propellers on pontoons (even heavily loaded) using T50-F115 outboards. Features an updated SDS design that requires no special hardware to function.





Role No.

14 9 RH SDS* 6H1-45970-00-00
14 10 RH SDS* 6H1-45972-00-00
14 11 RH SDS* 6H1-45974-00-00
14 12 RH SDS* 6H1-45976-00-00
14 13 RH SDS* 6H1-45978-00-00

Dual Thrust™

Dual Thrust™

This stainless-steel, three-blade propeller harnesses the power of our High Thrust outboard. It's perfect for pushing heavy loads such as sailboats and pontoons, and provides outstanding reverse thrust. Standard on T9.9 and T25, optional on T50 and T60.





Part No.

12 1/four nine RH Pressed In 68U-45941-00-00



This aluminum, three-blade propeller is low-cost and lightweight. It provides adept overall operation for outboards 2 hp to 225 hp, and a wide variety of applications.





Office No.

14 11 RH Pressed In 6E5-45954-00-00
13 5/viii 13 RH Pressed In 6E5-45949-00-00
13 5/8 xiv RH Pressed In 6E5-45958-00-00
13 1/two 15 RH Pressed In 6E5-45947-00-00
13 i/4 17 RH Pressed In 6E5-45945-01-00
thirteen xix RH Pressed In 6E5-45941-00-00
12 5/8 21 RH Pressed In 6E5-45943-00-00
xiii 23 RH Pressed In 6E5-45952-00-00
13 25 RH Pressed In 6E5-45956-00-00

Talon SS™

Talon SS™

This stainless-steel, three-bract propeller provides smoothen, tranquillity shifting and trolling for F70 – F115 and T50/T60 outboards on pontoon, walleye, fiberglass and deep-Five boats. Features an updated SDS design that requires no special hardware to function.





Office No.

xiii 1/8 14 RH SDS* 6N7-45970-00-00
13 1/8 14 LH SDS* 6N4-45970-00-00
13 ane/8 sixteen RH SDS* 6N7-45972-00-00
13 1/8 16 LH SDS* 6N4-45972-00-00
xiii 1/8 eighteen RH SDS* 6N7-45974-00-00
thirteen i/8 18 LH SDS* 6N4-45974-00-00
thirteen i/8 xix RH SDS* 6N7-45976-00-00
xiii 1/8 20 RH SDS* 6N7-45978-00-00
13 ane/8 20 LH SDS* 6N7-45978-00-00
xiii 1/8 22 RH SDS* 6N7-45930-00-00
13 1/8 24 LH SDS* 6N7-45932-00-00

Saltwater Series II™

Saltwater Series II™

This stainless-steel, three-blade propeller provides longer cruising range, superior midrange fuel efficiency and amend handling in rough water. It's an ideal choice for high-horsepower pontoons. Features a new SDS design that requires no special hardware to function.





Office No.

fifteen 3/4 thirteen RH SDS* 6CE-45930-20-00
15 iii/four xiii LH SDS* 6CF-45930-twenty-00
15 3/4 xv RH SDS* 6CE-45976-twenty-00
fifteen three/iv xv LH SDS* 6CF-45976-20-00
15 1/2 16 RH SDS* 6CE-45938-xx-00
15 1/2 17 RH SDS* 6CE-45978-twenty-00
15 1/2 17 LH SDS* 6CF-45978-xx-00
xv 1/4 18 RH SDS* 6CE-45934-20-00
15 1/iv eighteen LH SDS* 6CF-45934-xx-00
fifteen 1/4 19 RH SDS* 6CE-45970-20-00
15 one/4 19 LH SDS* 6CF-45970-20-00
15 xx RH SDS* 6CE-45932-xx-00
15 20 LH SDS* 6CF-45932-xx-00
15 21 RH SDS* 6CE-45972-20-00
15 21 LH SDS* 6CF-45972-xx-00
14 3/iv 22 RH SDS* 6CE-45936-20-00
fourteen three/4 22 LH SDS* 6CF-45936-twenty-00
14 three/4 23 RH SDS* 6CE-45974-twenty-00
fourteen 3/4 23 LH SDS* 6CF-45974-20-00



This aluminum, three-blade propeller features a loftier-grip, low-slip pattern. Information technology provides outstanding functioning and shine, tranquillity shifting and trolling on F70 – F115 and T50/T60-powered pontoons and other aluminum boats. Fantabulous on small fiberglass boats, too. Features an SDS design that requires no special hardware to office.





Part No.

xiii 1/ii 9 RH SDS* 6EK-45941-00-00
13 one/2 ten i/ii RH SDS* 6EK-45943-00-00
xiii 1/2 12 RH SDS* 6EK-45945-00-00
13 ane/ii 14 RH SDS* 6EK-45947-00-00
13 1/ii sixteen RH SDS* 6EK-45949-00-00

Talon GP®

Talon GP®

This aluminum, three-blade propeller is deal for lighter-weight boats using T50 – F115 outboards. Its special blades provide "grip" on the water in turns and at high trim angles. Features an updated SDS design that requires no special hardware to office.





Part No.

13 v/8 14 RH SDS* 6FP-45941-00-00
13 i/2 15 RH SDS* 6FP-45943-00-00
13 1/4 sixteen RH SDS* 6FP-45945-00-00
13 one/8 17 RH SDS* 6FP-45947-00-00
thirteen 18 RH SDS* 6FP-45949-00-00


Pro™ Series Pro™ Series

Talon SS4™ Talon SS4™

Performance XT™ Operation XT™

Saltwater Series II™ HP Saltwater Series Two™ HP



This stainless-steel, 3-bract propeller features an ultra-high-performance ventless design and single-inch pitches. This allows you to fine-tune the performance of our four-stroke V MAX SHO.





Part No.

15 one/8 22 RH Pressed In 6CB-45932-11-00
15 i/8 23 RH Pressed In 6CB-45974-11-00
xv 1/eight 24 RH Pressed In 6CB-45930-eleven-00
15 1/8 25 RH Pressed In 6CB-45972-xi-00
fifteen 1/8 26 RH Pressed In 6CB-45978-eleven-00
15 1/eight 27* RH Pressed In 6CB-45970-eleven-00

Pro™ Series

Pro™ Serial

This stainless-steel, three-blade propeller provides loftier functioning for single-outboard boats requiring bow lift.





Part No.

14 1/two 21 RH Pressed In 66K-45976-B0-00
14 i/2 23 RH Pressed In 66K-45974-B0-00
fourteen i/2 25 RH Pressed In 66K-45972-B0-00
xiv 1/2 27 RH Pressed In 66K-45970-B0-00

Talon SS4™

Talon SS4™

This stainless-steel, three-blade propeller produces a stronger hole shot than comparable 3-blade propellers. Excellent on mid-range powered flats boats or on applications requiring high engine mounting heights. Fits F70 to VF115, T50/T60 Yard series (iv.25") gearcases. Standard Shift Dampener Arrangement (SDS).





Part No.

13 1/iv xiv RH SDS* 6N6-45B70-00-00
13 one/4 xvi RH SDS* 6N6-45B72-00-00
13 i/four 18 RH SDS* 6N6-45B74-00-00
thirteen 1/4 twenty RH SDS* 6N6-45B76-00-00
13 i/4 22 RH SDS* 6N6-45B78-00-00
xiii i/4 23 RH SDS* 6N6-45B80-00-00

Performance XT™

Functioning XT™

This stainless-steel, three-bract propeller features a large, long blade blueprint, to increase strength and durability. Perfect for older, heavier bass boats with jack plates or loftier engine mounting heights. Lower pitches ideal for pontoons, F150 and upwardly.





Part No.

14 1/2 17 RH Pressed In MAR-GYT3B-XL-17
14 1/2 19 RH Pressed In MAR-GYT3B-40-nineteen
14 1/2 21 RH Pressed In MAR-GYT3B-Twoscore-21
14 5/8 22 RH Pressed In MAR-GYT3B-40-22
14 five/8 23 RH Pressed In MAR-GYT3B-XL-23
14 five/8 25 RH Pressed In MAR-GYT3B-Twoscore-25
14 5/8 27 RH Pressed In MAR-GYT3B-40-27

Saltwater Series II™ HP

Saltwater Series II™ HP

This stainless-steel, three-bract propeller can boost acme-cease speed on lightweight eye consoles, flats/bay boats and more than. Designed for V6 F200 – F300.





Office No.

15 one/4 18 RH SDS* 6KA-45970-00
15 1/4 18 LH SDS* 6KB-45970-00
15 1/4 19 RH SDS* 6KA-45972-00
15 1/4 19 LH SDS* 6KB-45972-00
fifteen 20 RH SDS* 6KA-45974-00
xv 20 LH SDS* 6KB-45974-00
15 21 RH SDS* 6KA-45976-00
fifteen 21 LF SDS* 6KB-45976-00

Prop Selector

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Easily zero-in on the all-time propeller options based on your type of craft, horsepower and performance goals with this smart, online tool.

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SDS Our Patented Shift Dampener System

SDS absorbs the forces, sounds and vibrations from shifting gears, creating a smoother, quieter ride. That'southward an advantage when cruising, docking, fishing and positioning your boat over bait.

Currently SDS is available on the following Yamaha propellers:

Boat Type Bachelor Props
Large Offshore Boats XTO OS Saltwater Series II Saltwater Series XL Saltwater Series XL4 Saltwater Series XL4 - HP Saltwater Series HS4
Medium/Modest Boats Reliance Talon Talon SS Talon Pontoon Talon GP
Family/Watersport Boats Reliance Talon Talon SS Talon Pontoon Talon GP