
How Much Money Will Tiger Woods Win Today

Tiger Woods didn't win the Masters, but he left usa all in awe

Tiger Woods on Sunday at the Masters.

Stephen Denton

AUGUSTA, Ga. — Before the breathless speculation about what'south side by side, before we see if his jet is stopping for practice rounds in Tulsa, before we start mapping out his path to victory at St. Andrews, let's take a moment to appreciate what Tiger Woods did this week at Augusta National.

How do you mensurate this Masters for Woods? The numbers that explain his result are inadequate in telling its story. Solo 47th. A career-highest xiii over par. Back-to-back 78s on the weekend. One number comes closer — his 22nd consecutive made cut at Augusta — but still falls short. What information technology meant to Woods himself, and to those effectually him, and to those of us watching along? That's much tougher to quantify.

Woods limped downward the 14th fairway on Dominicus aslope playing partner Jon Rahm. He was canted slightly forward, the stride of a man with a fused back whose trunk is made partly of metal. He was using his commuter as something of a hiking pole, helping to propel himself frontwards, in clear discomfort. He was already three over par for his round, 10 over par for the tournament. But still fighting.

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Forest had a massive gallery in tow, including one particularly enthusiastic pocket of supporters on the rope line, all dressed in red and blackness. Tiger colors. They cheered loudly as Woods went by, the mode a family might root on their father at a half-marathon. 1 of them asked her friends if she should deploy her loud whistle. She went for information technology. They cheered louder.

Woods' girl Sam and girlfriend Erica Herman were among that group. Tiger has stressed all week that only those closest to him could empathize the extent of his fight dorsum. Sam agreed.

"It's miraculous," she said of this week'southward starting time. "It shouldn't be happening."

"I mean, nada always surprises me almost him," Herman said. "But he'd merely worked then hard to exist here, that was the 1 thing I knew: once he got here, he wasn't going to become dwelling."

She used the aforementioned words that Woods has all calendar week. Appreciative. Thankful.

"This feels like a habitation game for him," she said. "This has been his dwelling turf for so long. Everybody around the club knows him. They know us now, too."

"Grandma's famous here," Sam added, referring to Tiger's mother Kultida. "She knows everybody."

In the groundwork, Woods faced down a 37-foot bogey putt. He took his time mulling it over. Every shot counts the same, even if you're 20 off the atomic number 82. He poured it in. The oversupply went wild.

Nearby, an athletic homo in a crisp Augusta National polo took in the action. Information technology was Bryson DeChambeau. He'd missed the cut but stuck around to watch Woods. This isn't just rare; it never happens. Pros don't lookout other pros play golf game. What was DeChambeau doing in that location? He shrugged.

"I came out to support the best ever," he said. "It's really cool — I don't know how many chances I'll get to practice something like this."

The man is a magnet. This place is a magnet. One time you're here, you lot don't desire to leave. Once you lot leave, you lot want to come back.

A hundred miles away at his home in Bluffton, S.C., Johnny Pruitt was trying to make sense of it all.

"I've got goosebumps but thinking almost what he's doing correct at present," he said on Dominicus afternoon every bit Woods finished up his final round.

When is comes to miracles at Augusta National, Pruitt is something of an expert. He was continuing at Amen Corner in 2018 when his eye failed, sending him into major cardiac arrest. He turned bluish. His center stopped. By the time he got proper medical attention, he'd gone minutes without a pulse. To quote Pruitt himself: "I was very much non alive."

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Through exhaustive medical procedures and sheer force of will, Pruitt pulled through. The next year he was dorsum at Augusta, walking advisedly, celebrating the anniversary of his decease. Woods was dorsum, too, completing a miraculous comeback by winning his fifth green jacket. Pruitt has never met Woods, only he marks their progress together. He couldn't believe that 2019 win. He couldn't believe Wood came dorsum this twelvemonth, either.

"I don't know what his dad taught him about mind over body but there's something else there that would make you that passionate and that adamant to practice what he does," Pruitt said. He gets emotional, talking almost Woods. That's i of Tiger'due south hallmarks: He inspires emotion. "That'due south the matter, right? He'south non in it for the coin," Pruit continued. "He doesn't have to do this."

He doesn't have to. But something compelled Woods to battle dorsum for this twelvemonth's Masters. Despite the fact that he'due south 46 years old. Despite the fact that he's already arguably the greatest golfer in history. Despite the fact that he'south worth hundreds of millions of dollars. And despite the fact that xiv months ago he was on an operating tabular array following a horrific car crash, with a "50/fifty take chances" of losing his leg.

Later his round, Forest was self-deprecating about his operation simply seemed to understand the gravity of his presence. He was already thinking big picture. He talked about how much the tournament has meant to his entire family. He talked most his presence and where it fits in the tournament's complex history.

"You become back to the year I was born, that was the year that the outset black man played in the Masters, Lee Elder," he said. "He was an honorary starter final year. He was there when I won in '97. Xx-5 years later, hither I am playing again."

Asked about merely how much he'd been through to become back to this bespeak, Woods repeated a line we've heard throughout the week.

"I don't call back people actually understand," he said. "The people who are shut to me understand. They've seen it. Some of the players who are close to me have seen some of the pictures and the things that I have had to suffer. They capeesh it probably more than anyone else considering they know what it takes to do this out here at this level."

That marks an enormous difference for this version of Tiger Woods. He wants us to understand, even every bit he knows we tin't and won't. He's not taking this for granted. Nosotros shouldn't, either.

Woods keeps teaching us lessons at Augusta National. The last time he played the Masters, he doomed his chances at a tiptop terminate when he made 10 at the par-iii 12th. Instead of tapping out he went back to work and churned out five birdies in his final half-dozen holes, his best-always end to a round at Augusta.

This year'southward entire appearance was a lesson in perseverance. It was a lesson in, well, Woods can explain it better.

"I fight each and every solar day," he said, explaining the example he's hoping to fix. "Each and every day is a challenge. Each and every day presents its own different challenges for all of us. I wake up and commencement the fight all over over again."

He limped off the podium. He hugged his family. Information technology was fourth dimension to rest.

The speculation started before Wood left holding. The PGA at Southern Hills is a maybe. Ditto for the U.S. Open at Brookline. Wood has the Open Championship at St. Andrews circled on his agenda. "I am looking forward to St. Andrews," he told Sky Sports. "That is something that is near and dear to my eye. I've won two Opens there, information technology's the home of golf game, and it's my favorite golf game course in the world. So I volition be in that location for that one."

In time, all things. Woods made his fashion through the clubhouse, his mother abreast him, his son in front end of him, scores of diehard fans auspicious fifty-fifty as he left their line of sight.

LaCava lingered for a moment, gazing out over the property and then back at the assembled media. He raised a hand.

"Be good, guys," he said. "Nosotros'll see you down the road."

Things won't e'er be the aforementioned. Not Woods' torso. Not his schedule. Non his golf. He'll be dorsum nonetheless.

That's the lesson.

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Dylan Dethier

Dylan Dethier Editor

Dylan Dethier is a senior writer for Golf Magazine/ The Williamstown, Mass. native joined GOLF in 2017 later on two years scuffling on the mini-tours. Dethier is a 2014 graduate of Williams College, where he majored in English, and he'south the author of 18 in America, which details the year he spent equally an 18-year-erstwhile living from his car and playing a circular of golf in every state.


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