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When Sony built the PS4 Pro, it prioritized backwards compatibility and capabilities to a higher place virtually any other feature. While the new PS4 Pro can offer improved functioning or visual effects in a number of titles, Sony bent over backwards to ensure that games would ever run at the aforementioned speed, no matter what, on classic PlayStation 4 hardware. It now seems that these efforts have produced some odd effects, including several games where the PS4 is actually faster than its PS4 Pro successor.

Digital Foundry has been testing the new hardware over the past few weeks and has rounded up a number of titles where the original PS4 is quicker and maintains improve frame rates. The Terminal of Us, Mantis Fire Racing, Skyrim, and Lookout Dogs 2 are all better on the original PS4, while Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a mixed bag. Some scenes have significantly lower functioning, some are improved overall compared with their predecessors.

The problem is straightforward. Most game developers have offered various resolution and graphics settings combinations that target a 1080p frame charge per unit target with enhanced visuals and a 4K target (mostly via various types of rescaling, though a few games do accept native 4K at 30 FPS). Simply in some cases, this upscaling still hits the last frame rate. For example, The Terminal of Usa runs at a rock-solid 60 FPS on the PS4, but tin can dip to 54 FPS on the PS4 Pro. Why? Because the 1800p resolution target is being downsampled to friction match a 1080p HDTV'southward resolution. Downsampling and super-sampled antialiasing are, for all intents and purposes, the same thing: In both cases, the GPU is rendering a much higher internal resolution target, then outputting the prototype at a lower resolution. The advantage of this is that it tin can improve last prototype quality (Dynamic Super Resolution from NV and AMD's ain super resolution scaling use a similar process). But call up, even if the final output is 1080p, the GPU is still using all of the same retention bandwidth and resources that would be required to striking the higher resolution target.

Digital Foundry stresses that this issue isn't game-breaking, and that the overall feel remains very good, simply this blazon of errata is unusual and somewhat off-putting. As Digital Foundry writes:

Super-sampling on PS4 Pro offers detail improvements, but the anti-aliasing boost is really rather limited, as the game'due south base of operations temporal AA solution at native 1080p resolution is actually very expert. The presentation is fairly soft anyway, and so once again we accept a 1080p/4K divide: on an ultra Hard disk drive brandish, we'd rather play on Pro and bask a huge resolution boost all of the time and frame-rate dips just occasionally. However, at 1080p, nosotros'd prefer more consequent operation throughout the game and so the base PS4 provides a smoother experience overall. But the point is that in one case again, nosotros shouldn't be seeing these divides at all, on any title.

Some of these teething pains are to be expected, given that this is the beginning time any console manufacturer has pushed such a pregnant platform upgrade in the same console generation. Microsoft volition undoubtedly watch the situation closely, to see where it might need to adjust its own plans for Scorpio and to adjust for any hiccups pre-launch. Sony is aware of these problems already and is investigating the problem, but there's no discussion on whatsoever solution nonetheless.

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